Starting for the fifth time with Bartłomiej Groicki’s Słowa prawne w rzeczy sobie podobne
 Starting with B. Groicki’s Słowa prawne w rzeczy sobie podobne (1567), the paper presents the history of legal terms relating to the court procedure: apelacyja ‘appeal’, mocyja ‘judge reprimand’, odesłanie ‘referral’, dawność ‘non-claim’, zasiedzenie ‘usucaption’. Appeal was first practiced in Poland under the Magdeburg Rights, and only since the first quarter of the 16th century also in the land law. On the other hand, the so-called mocyja, i.e. reprimanding of the judge, had been employed for much longer. Difficult cases were sent to a higher court already in the Middle Ages, if the lower court was deemed incompetent, hence odesłanie, remisyja, remisa ‘remittal’. The 1346–1347 statutes of king Casimir III the Great recognize the institution of prescription, hence dawność, preskrypcja ‘non-claim’. Finally, zasiedzenie is ‘the acquisition of ownership by a long, undisputed use’. The use of the word fields method has made it possible to reveal many, often rare, terms that function in various groups, the mutual competition between the components of fields, the victory of some, and the disappearance of others. The evolution of the fields has limited the number of synonyms in simultaneous use.
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