
The paper elaborates the Findings of scientific approaches to the prevention of drug abuse in schools. These investigations show that an effective school program has to include a large number of components: in accordance with the age group of the pupils it has to disseminate information, as an integral part of the school curriculum, about the physiological, psychological and social consequences of drug abuse; alongside information on drug abuse, the pupils need to be able to gain different social skills in die cllassroom or in different workshops; communication exercises which w ill enable the pupils to express their ideas and feelings clearly and directly; exercise in decision making and problem solving skills so as to make the pupils capable of making choices on their own and understanding die consequences o f their choice; exercises in learning skills how to oppose pressures to use drugs; exercises in reducing the stress we are daily exposed to in the urban enviroment. Reviewing the development of theories of addiction and the results of the different models of prevention as well as die structure of the models of social learning, the text offers many relevant insights and gives concrete instructions which can help the reader create and carry out his or her own program of prevention.


  • U tekstu se raspravlja o rezultatima znanstvenih istraživanja pristupu prevenciji zloupotrebe droga u školi

  • These investigations show that an effective school program has to include a large number of components

  • Reviewing the development of theories o f addiction and the results o f the different models o f prevention as well as die structure o f the models o f social learning, the text offers many relevant insights and gives concrete instructions which can help the reader create and carry out his or her own program o f prevention

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Istraživanja i razvoj teorija ovisnosti

Nije dovoljno mladima reći: "Ne smijete pušiti. Nemojte piti. Upozo­ rava da se kod mladih koji su počeli uzimati droge prije 15. Godine razvija problem ovisnosti u preko 50% slučajeva; među onima koji su počeli eksperi­ mentirati s drogama u 17. Godini ovisnosti se javila u 17,26% slučajeva, a mla­ di koji su počeli uzimati droge u dobi između 18. Godine postali su ovisni­ ci o drogama u 17% slučajeva; kod onih koji su počeli s uzimanjem droga iza 25. Rezultati primjene modela socijalnog učenja u SAD pokazali su da sveobuhvatni programi društvene zajednice koji uz ovaj model uključuju trening pozitivne komunikacije odrasli-dijete i mas medije, djeluju uspješno na smanjenje zloupotrebe droga kod mladih. Objavljeni su sljedeći podaci istraži­ vanja na populaciji mladih u dobi između 18 i 25 godina (Benard, 1991,18)

Ko nzu mi ran i e alkohola cigareta teških droga
Istraživanja o implementaciji sadržaja prevencije u nastavno gradivo
Uobičajena mjera memoriranja
The Development and Application o f School Programs o f Prevention
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