
With the help of ROU-questionnaire scales different dimensions of classroom psycho-social secondary school student study environment was tested (N = 122). With the help of JUS-questionnaire their general as well as specific (subject) academic self- concept was measured. The obtained correlatoins among these variables indicate that there is connection, but of uneven degree. There is a higher corelation between the studied dimensions of classroom psycho-social study environment and general academic self- concept than between the classroom dimensions and specific academic self- concepts.


  • Pomoću skala ROU-upitnika ispitane su različite dimenzije razredne psihosocijalne okoline učenja srednjoškolaca (N=122), a pomoću skale JUS-upitnika mjereno je njihovo kako opće tako i specifično školsko poimanje

  • Dobivene korelacije između tih varijabli ukazuju na to da postoji povezanost nejednaka stupnja

  • There is a higher corelation between the studied dimensions of classroom psycho-social study environment and general academic self- concept than between the classroom dimensions and specific academic self- concepts

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Original scientific paper

Pomoću skala ROU-upitnika ispitane su različite dimenzije razredne psihosocijalne okoline učenja srednjoškolaca (N=122), a pomoću skale JUS-upitnika mjereno je njihovo kako opće tako i specifično (predmetno) školsko poimanje. Dobivene korelacije između tih varijabli ukazuju na to da postoji povezanost nejednaka stupnja. Pri tome je utvrđena viša povezanost između proučavanih dimenzija razredne psihosocijalne okoline učenja i općeg školskog samopoimanja srednjoškolaca, nego između razrednih dimenzija i njihovih specifičnih školskih samopoimanja

Uvod i problem
Individualizacija i osobni razvoj Kohezivnost i zadovoljstvo
Komentar i zaključak
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