
The article considers the problem of improving the state of self-educational activity of primary school students in terms of limiting the lessons of the organization of the study of school subjects. The purpose of the article is to substantiate a holistic approach to educating students in the need for self-educational activities with a book while studying certain topics and sections of school subjects. Types of independent work of students with a book are analyzed on the basis of the number of textbooks (single and multi-textbooks), the results of their written processing (plan, thesis, citations, notes, synopsis, review, annotation, abstract). The advanced character of extracurricular work with the book in relation to studying of subjects at lessons is offered. The peculiarities of the formation of students’ ability to find and process books on educational subjects are revealed: methods of preliminary acquaintance with the text, rules of reading the book, regularities of memorizing its content. Means of determining the depth and stability of the expression of students’ needs in self-educational activities with a book (observation of students’ learning activities, conversations with them, parents and teachers, analysis of students’ library forms) are identified. The levels of cognitive self-educational activity of students with a book and the norms of time for their performance by students are analyzed: reproductive, reconstructive-variable, heuristic and creative (search) independent works. The method of expert assessments established the time spent on self-educational types of work with a book of different levels of cognitive independence of students. Observations of students ‘independent work with the book, questionnaires, self-photographs and timing helped to determine the actual cost of students’ time to complete educational tasks from literary sources. Experimentally established average norms of time spent by students on various types of self-educational activities with a book: reading basic and additional literature, notes, the use of literary sources to perform creative tasks.

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