
This article deals with the authorship of Elísabet Kristín Jökulsdóttir, with special emphasis on the autofictional novel Heilræði lásasmiðsins (The locksmith’s advice), as well as other works that are based on autobiographical material. Elísabet writes a lot about the female body, its desires and erotic longings, as well as how helpless and weak it can be in particular situations. Her writing on the self, body and sexuality centres on the opposition between love and rejection. The desire for love is the driving force behind her writing and a deep and ruthless self-examination is at work in her fictional world. This desire is closely connected to the female body and sexual drive and Elísabet scrutinizes the nature of ‚femininity‘ and asks what it means to be ,a woman‘. Elísabet describes the female body in all its nakedness and vulnerability and shows how the body is the battleground where the main conflicts between self and others take place. Elísabet frequently describes two oppositional worlds in her works. There are conflicts between the magical world and reality, the father and the mother, the child and the grown-up, psychological difficulties and ‚sanity‘. a divided self is a persistent theme in her writings, as well as the struggle to remain on the right side of the „borders“, which are frequently mentioned. Elísabet’s writings reveal a struggle for marking a place for oneself in the world, to be heard and seen, to be able to createand recreate the self and through her writing, she copes with existence and difficulties that are rooted in childhood. Through writing, she finds a way out and the writing process serves as self-analysis and therapy. In her works Elísabet also creates her own personal mythology, which she connects with women’s struggle for self-realization, freedom and social space. The analysis of Elísabet’s works is inspired by the writings of feminist scholars, such as Simone de Beauvoir, Kate millett and Hélène Cixous.


  • Elísabet writes a lot about the female body, its desires and erotic longings, as well as how helpless and weak it can be in particular situations

  • The desire for love is the driving force behind her writing and a deep and ruthless self-examination is at work in her fictional world. This desire is closely connected to the female body and sexual drive and Elísabet scrutinizes the nature of ‚femininity‘ and asks what it means to be,a woman‘

  • Elísabet describes the female body in all its nakedness and vulnerability and shows how the body is the battleground where the main conflicts between self and others take place

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Um skáldskaparheim Elísabetar Kristínar Jökulsdóttur

Í maí á þessu ári eru þrír áratugir síðan Elísabet Kristín Jökulsdóttir sendi frá sér fyrstu bók sína, Dans í lokuðu herbergi (1989), en útgefin verk hennar telja nú 26 titla. Elísabet hefur sent frá sér átta ljóðabækur, sextán prósaverk, auk þess sem tvö leikrit hennar hafa komið út á bók og enn fleiri verið sviðsett. Í þessari grein verður rýnt í höfundarverk Elísabetar og eru flest verk hennar undir í þeirri rýni, þó ekki barnabækur og leikrit. Fræðimenn hafa lítt sinnt skáldskap Elísabetar og hefur aðeins ein fræðigrein verið skrifuð um bók eftir hana.. Í síðari hluta greinarinnar verður rýnt sérstaklega í skáldskaparheim Elísabetar, hugað að því hvernig hún notar tilfinningar sem „eldsneyti fyrir hugmyndir“, eins og hún orðar það í tilvitnuninni sem ég hef gert að yfirskrift greinarinnar.. Í síðari hluta greinarinnar verður rýnt sérstaklega í skáldskaparheim Elísabetar, hugað að því hvernig hún notar tilfinningar sem „eldsneyti fyrir hugmyndir“, eins og hún orðar það í tilvitnuninni sem ég hef gert að yfirskrift greinarinnar. Þá verður dregið fram hvernig bæta má líkamanum við sem grundvallarviðmiði

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