
AbstractThe influence of the relative group velocity finiteness of the scattering polariton on the polariton Raman scattering (RS) intensities is discussed. It is proved that this effect is not very essential only in the region of polariton frequencies ωp near the frequency ωf of the corresponding polar mechanical phonon because here the relative group velocity ξp of the polariton is small. But the influence of the group velocity ξp finiteness appears to be essential in the case of sufficiently distant frequencies ωp from ωf. This influence results not only in essential quantitative changes but also in qualitative changes, in particular, of the angular dependence of the polariton RS intensity. It is manifested particularily in the vicinity of the „critical”︁ scattering angles where the neglection of this effect distorts absolutely the character of the above‐mentioned dependence. The ξp‐finiteness influence is illustrated by numerical calculations for a number of real crystals (ZnO, ZnSe, GaP, CdS, LiIO3). Experimental investigations are made of the RS‐intensity angular dependence in the region of the upper polariton branch in LiIO3 crystals in the vicinity of the critical scattering angle. The results confirm the conclusion of the theory about the essential influence of the effect mentioned above on the polariton RS intensity.

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