
Nowadays the problem of developing and implementing qualitatively new and modern theoretical foundations and practical approaches to the problem of increasing the motor activity of young people through their active involvement in health and recreational activities requires a special attention. The article defines the health and recreation activities orientation of students of pedagogical colleges and outlines the ways of its optimization. It was established that many young people do not lead a healthy lifestyle (15%) or do not always (62%); the majority (44%) determined that the main motive for attending sports classes is to get a good mark for exam; 77% of respondents do not engage in additional physical activity in extra time; however, 72% of respondents want to improve their level of physical fitness, and 44% of students claim that they have a lack of knowledge to lead a healthy lifestyle. Ways to optimize health and recreational activities of students were determined: actualization of the system of significant needs, motives and interests for didactic content of health and recreation classes; implementation of innovative approaches to the quality of teaching sports educational components, which will stimulate the need for self-education and self-improvement of health-saving competence, support and implementation of own innovations in recreational and health activities; creation of conditions for satisfying the needs of students in promoting health, physical and mental development by means of increasing the motor activity through the implementation of health and recreational technologies in extra time; development of students’ individual skills and abilities in specific types of health and recreational activities, experience formation of motor activity and its realization; formation in the minds of student youth a particular way to a healthy lifestyle that will encourage to use health and recreational activities and will be aimed at developing and promoting of health.

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