
OZET Son yillarda dunyada ve ulkemizde topraklarin kimyasal ve mekanik stablizasyonu ile elde edilen karisimlarin yeni bir yapi malzemesi olarak kullanilmasi calismalarina oldukca onem verilmektedir. Bu arastirma topraklara katilan bazi stabilizan madlerinin topraklarin fiziksel, kimyasal ve su gecirme ozelliklerine etkisi ile bu maddelerden elde edilen karisim larin sizma kayiplarim azaltmak icin tarla ici sulama kanallarmida ekonomik kaplama malzemesi olarak kullanilabilirligini saptamak amaciyle yapilmistir. A RESEARCH ON THE UTILIZATION OF SOME SOIL STABILIZERS FOR LINING THE FARM IRRIGATION DITCHES Conservation of the irrigation water is one of the important problems in agriculturally developing countries. Lining the irrigation canals, decreases seepage losses and increases covayaiice efficiency; hence it advances economical use of irrigation water. Taking into the cosideration above mentioned ideas this study is conducted to determine an economical lining matt.rial which is suitable to regional conditions and easily obtinable from the vicinity to prevent seepage losses in the irrigation projects. For this purpose 6 soHs having different texture and Atterberg timits;is a base material among the 17 soil samples taken from the diffierent parts of the Ataturk Universitesi Ziraat Fakultes: Experiment Farm. Variying methods were employed to determine mechanical, physical and chemical properties of these six soils. Cement, lime, bituminous (emilkote) emulsion asphalt and used engine oil were used as soil additives to stabilize the soiI. These additives were mixed in different ration and five samples were taken for each mixture. Soil miii;tures prepared with different additives mentioned abov~ are tested for compression and durability and freezing -thawing in the laboFatory. Additionally these materials are tested in the field using model canals for seepage losses. Following conclusion . is drawn by using the data obtained from the tests mentioned above. - Most of the soils used in this study have common gradation accorcting sieve analysis. - Atterberg Limits for the soHs tested which are used as criteria in engineering soit classification differ according to amount of clay and silt present in the soiI. Liquid limit values are between 24,7 % and 31,3 plastic index vaIues are between 4 % and 15 %. These figures give information about the water content of the soils at their liquid limits. --:- The soil used a material in this study classified according to A. A. S. H. O dasification syste~. SoiI 1 is A-I-a (O), 2 is A-2-4 (O), 3 is A-6(2) 4 is A-2-6(0), 5 is A-6(6) and muber 6 is A-4 (I). - The prepared mixtures tested for freezing thawing, wetting-drying in the laboratory. The material is going to to be used as a lining material for the canals in the field is determined according to the results obtained from the tests mentioned above. Freezing-thawing tests were in twelve period. The minimum 10st in fereezing-thawing test were observed at 2 plastic cement mixture (3 % ) and maximum loost at 17 soil-cemet-lime mixture (29 X). The minimum lost in wetting-drawing tests were observed at 2 soileement mixture and maximum lost at 8 soil-bituminous mixture (51 %). Plastic soil-cement mixture which is prepared with the soil 2 (having plastic inde 6 and 19 % passes under sieve number 200 by

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