
Shandong Agricultural University attaches great importance to the cultivation of innovative practical ability of Engineering students. Combining with the orientation of the University and its own characteristics, Shandong Agricultural University has found a more distinctive way to cultivate students in the engineering practice teaching of Internet of Things specialty, and has formed an effective practical teaching mode of Internet of Things specialty. This mode can enhance the engineering of Internet of Things specialty students’ Practical ability, as well as improving students' ability to apply what they have learned, and has a good effect in promoting students' ability to combine theory with practice. The Internet of Things (IOT) refers to a huge network formed by real-time acquisition of various information about objects or processes through various information sensing devices and the combination with the Internet. The Internet of Things (IOT) has realized the connection between things and things, things and people and networks, so as to facilitate the identification, management and control of people or things. It is called the third wave of the development of the world information industry after computers and the Internet. Internet of Things (IOT) industry has become the top priority in fostering and developing strategic emerging industries in China, and has been officially listed as one of the key strategic emerging industries for national development. Personnel training of Internet of Things specialty is based on the cultivation of compound applied talents such as Internet of Things application market development and technology promotion. Its professional characteristics determine how to effectively cultivate students' theoretical and engineering practice ability, and how to cultivate professional compound application talents has become the core issue of professional training. As an important part of higher education in China, engineering education practice teaching is an effective way to enhance students' engineering practice ability, improve their comprehensive quality, and cultivate their innovative spirit and ability. It is also an indispensable important teaching link for students during their undergraduate study. Further strengthening the practical teaching of engineering education is an important measure to embody the characteristics of practical education in Colleges and universities in China. Shandong Agricultural University attaches great importance to the cultivation of innovative practical ability of Engineering students. Combining with the orientation of the University and its own characteristics, Shandong Agricultural University has found a more distinctive way to cultivate students in the field of engineering practical teaching of Internet of Things specialty, and has formed an effective practical teaching mode of Internet of Things specialty. Practice has proved that this model has a good effect on enhancing the engineering practice ability of students majoring in Internet of Things, improving students' ability to apply what they have learned, and promoting students' ability to combine theory with practice.

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