
Aim. Investigate the effect of doses and methods of applying nitrogen fertilizers, the use of micronutrients fertilizers on the productivity of sugar beet under an alternative organic-mineral fertilization system. Methods. Short-term field and analytical. Results. The results of research on the influence of nitrogen nutrition and micronutrients fertilizers on the productivity of sugar beet under alternative organic-mineral fertilization are presented. It was determined that the spring application of nitrogen fertilizers and foliar feeding with microfertilizers under plowing winter wheat straw into the soil increased the yield of roots - by 22.5−23.7 t/ha, stabilized sugar content at the level of 18.2−18.3% and ensured maximum sugar yield – 12.0−12.3 t/ha. Conclusions. It was found that in conditions of sufficient moisture on leached chernozem, the use of alternative organic-mineral fertilization systems increased sugar yield compared to the control without fertilizers by 3.1−4.4 t/ha. The application of nitrogen fertilizers in the fall under deep plowing against the background of alternative fertilization is determined to be less effective than their application in the spring under pre-sowing cultivation. Applying 5 t/ha of straw + N90P90K130 under plowing ensured the yield of roots – 60.4 t/ha, sugar yield – 11.0 t/ha, while 5 t/ha of straw + P90K130 under plowing + N90 under pre-sowing cultivation – 64, 5 and 11.6 t/ha, respectively. Application of 5 t/ha of straw + P90K130 under plowing + N90 under pre-sowing cultivation + foliar feeding with composite micronutrients fertilizer in the phase of leaf closure in rows and between rows was determined to be the most effective for sugar beet: yield of roots – 67.0 t/ha, sugar yield – 12.3 with an increase to the control without fertilizers by 23.7 and 4.4 t/ha.

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