
Since the Party Central Committee has explicitly requested the running of excellent ideological and political theory courses, the teaching methods of ideological and political theory courses have become a major topic of discussion in academic circles. A gap remains between the current teaching methods of ideological and political theory courses and those in the new era. In order to improve the nurturing effect of key courses, it is necessary to study the basic logic of its effectiveness enhancement from the perspective of practice. In the new era, it is essential to take the spirit from the series of important speeches of the Party and national leaders on ideological and political theory courses as guidance, draw on the effective teaching ideas of Comenius that reflect “fun,” “convenience,” and “thoroughness,” closely combine the teaching practice, as well as select and apply the teaching methods based on the concept of three “combinations” and two “innovations,” i.e., combining students, teachers’ teaching styles, and teaching contents; and innovating and practicing the integrated teaching method of diversified integration as well as the new teaching method of media technology-integrated smart classroom.

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