
<p><em>This study aimed to improve history learning achievement through the implementation of cooperative learning model NHT assisted interactive media. The method used in this research was a classroom action research by conducting two meetings in two cycles. The instrument used was questionnaire for the interview and questionnaire for observation of learning activities and achievement test. Data analysis techniques used was comparative descriptive method by comparing pre cycle and between cycles. The results of the study in the first cycle was the activity of 12 students or 40% in the high category, activity 9 students or 30% was in medium category and the activity of another 9 students or 30% was in lower categories. It was found that 24 students or 70% were mastery learning with average grade 62.25. In the second cycle, the activity of 24 students or 80% was in higher category, activity of 6 students or 20% was in medium category, and 0 student or 0% in lower categories. The average of learning achievement reached 85 with 30 students mastery learning or 100%. Based on the analysis and discussion of the research, it is concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model NHT aided interactive media can improve student achievement.</em><em></em></p>


  • Sejarah mengandung arti suatu ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari segala peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah terjadi pada masa lampau dalam kehidupan umat manusia

  • The method used in this research was a classroom action research by conducting two meetings in two cycles

  • The results of the study in the first cycle was the activity of 12 students or 40% in the high category, activity 9 students or 30% was in medium category and the activity of another 9 students or 30% was in lower categories

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Guru mengajukan pertanyaan kepada siswa dan pertanyaan ini Pertanyaan bervariasi mulai dari yang spesifik sampai ke hal-hal yang bersifat umum (Questioning). Berdasarkan beberapa jenis-jenis media pembelajaran tersebut yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian tindakan kelas dengan model kooperatif tipe NHT ini, yaitu media interaktif yang termasuk dalam multimedia. Adapun teknik analisis data dengan cara deskriptif kualitatif meliputi data kendala-kendala yang dihadapi siswa dan guru dalam penerapan pembelajaran Sejarah dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT. Indikator keberhasilan yang dipergunakan pada penelitian ini jika keterlaksanaan aktivitas siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran mencapai persentase keberhasilan sebesar 80%, dan siswa dinyatakan tuntas apabila telah memperoleh nilai sesuai dengan KKM yang telah ditentukan sebesar 75, Jadi nilai hasil belajar kognitif siswa harus ≥ 75. Hasil tes prestasi belajar Sejarah diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut : nilai tertinggi 95, nilai terendah 77, nilai rerata 85 dengan ketuntasan belajar 30 siswa atau 100%.

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