
The article reveals the features of the practical component of future specialist training in modern university education and actualizes the issue of practical future specialist training, which combines the principles of both knowledge and practice-oriented paradigm. Their combination allows to preserve the fundamentals of higher education based on the accumulation of practical experience and to form a professionally mobile specialist.
 Students’ practice is described as an integral part of the process of training specialists in universities, which is carried out on appropriately equipped bases of educational institutions, as well as in modern enterprises and organizations of various sectors of the economy, education, health, culture, service, public administration. The purpose of practice is to master modern methods, forms of organization, and tools in the field of students’ future profession, to acquire professional skills and algorithms of independent decision-making during specific work in real market and production conditions on the basis of their knowledge, and bring up the need to systematically update knowledge and apply it in practice creatively.
 Emphasis is placed on the need to make changes to the system of existing practices at the organizational, content, and methodological levels, which allow, on the one hand, to preserve fundamental, traditional, scientifically proven approaches to the organization of practical training, and on the other hand to improve and update modern approaches to professional-mobile specialist training. It has been found that the modernization of industrial practice is associated with the widespread use of innovative technologies (contextual and dual learning) in combination with well-established traditional forms and methods of learning. The content of the practical component of vocational training is focused on fulfilling a set of needs aimed at solving the problems of professional mobility. It is also focused on mastering the necessary competencies when future professionals by means of the transition from one basic form of activity to another, gain more advanced practical skills of educational and scientific information according to the functions of educational, quasi-professional, and educational-professional activities, master the real professional experience by gaining opportunities for natural entry into the profession.

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