
This article considers the problem of ensuring the growth of export capacities of the industrial construction of nuclear power facilities in the global markets through the simulation and management of the organizational reliability during the pre-investment stage. This research is made relevant by a high level of uncertainty in the implementation of international investment projects for nuclear power when over 60% of the world’s nuclear reactors are constructed with delays and at increasing costs. The purpose of this research is to develop methodological approaches and practical recommendations on the modeling and complex management of organizational reliability indicators for the industrial construction of nuclear power facilities in the global markets during the pre-investment stages. This article presents the following results: the simulation procedure for the organizational reliability and life cycles of the industrial construction of nuclear power facilities developed by the authors, development specifics and trends for this type of industrial construction, recommendations concerning the organization of industrial construction to improve the reliability of nuclear power facility construction based on a managed factor space and multi-criterion optimization of calendar schedules. The conceptual approach to modeling and management of the organizational reliability of nuclear power industrial construction and operation life cycles in question can be determined as a promising market tool that can be used to regulate the increase of the competitive abilities of the Russian branches of Rosatom State Corporation. This stipulates facilitating the growth of the industrial construction of nuclear power facilities in the global market from the current share of Rosatom State Corporation of 26% (120 billion USD) to 40-50% before 2035 through the improvement of the organizational reliability of the implementation of this type of investment projects.

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