
Problem setting. An important problem mankind has become the global climate change, which in reality today there is no doubt.Recent research and publications analysis. An analysis of recent studies and publica- tions has revealed a clear lack of research in the field of climatic diplomacy in the na- tional scientific tradition, although in the documents devoted to the issue of climate change, this term is used. To date, there are not enough scientific papers to address the main aspects of the theory and practice of climate diplomacy. Researches devoted to the consideration of climate change problems in political science, as presented by modern Western political science, are practically absent.Paper objective. The purpose and tasks of this article are related to the conceptualiza- tion of climate diplomacy in the aspect of international-political issues regarding its es- sence, structure and analysis of its methodological significance for the improvement of modern practices in the management of international relations or foreign policy in the field of climate change.Paper main body. In the article is realized the conceptualization of climate diplomacy in the aspect of international political problems regarding its essence, structure and stages of evolution, its methodological significance for improving modern practices of managing international relations or foreign policy in the sphere of climate change is ana- lyzed. The content of the terms «climate diplomacy», «climatic regime», «climate confer- ences» is disclosed, the object and subject of climate diplomacy, the main elements of climate diplomacy, the some documents of climate diplomacy are analyzed. The influence of those changes, which take place in diplomacy, on the formation and features of climate diplomacy is traced. The problem of climate change is actualized on social and human consequences, which, possibly, can have the risks of conflict and instability. Particular attention is paid to the empirical level of climate diplomacy, which analyzes the architec- ture of climate change, as well as the analytical level of climate diplomacy, which is de- termined by the transition from the club to the network forms of climate diplomacy on a wider background of discussions about the nature, relevance and adequacy of climate diplomacy in a complex global world.The author considers the criterial signs of climate diplomacy: belonging to the sphere of international relations and the foreign policy of the state; application of negotiations as the main instrument for establishing relations between subjects of international relations in the field of climate change; the presence of the institute of professionals who directly conduct climate talks and implement climate cooperation, preventing not only climate change, but also the consequences of measures taken to respond to climate change.Conclusions of the research. Consequently, climate diplomacy is proposed to be de- fined as the theory and practice of creating an international climatic regime, climate change through multilevel, collective and public diplomacy, which is based on soft power tools that are owned and actively used by officials of states, international organizations, informal institutions, transnational structures and civil society, among which a special role belongs to the negotiation process and the result of which is the clear legal and organizational design of architecture for climatic changes.


  • Перспективи досліджень у цій сфері потребують подальшого вивчення як сутнісних характеристик кліматичної дипломатії, кліматичного режиму, так і правового та організаційного оформлення зміни клімату та його наслідків загалом, так і в контексті глобальної, регіональної та національної безпеки

  • URL: https:// www.e3 g.org/docs/E3G_-_Understanding_Climate_Diplomacy.pdf (дата звернення: 18.04.2018)

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– застосування переговорів як основного інструменту налагодження стосунків між суб’єктами міжнародних відносин у галузі зміни клімату, тоб­ то об’єктом кліматичної дипломатії є міжнародні переговори, пов’язані із вирішенням глобальної проблеми зміни клімату. Учасники міжнародного переговорного процесу узгоджують позиції еколого-економічної політики з питань зміни клімату для прийняття консолідованих рішень.

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