This article takes a closer look at some of the unexplored facets of Portuguese intellectuals’ political role in the beginning of Salazar’s dictatorship in the 1930s. Many prestigious Portuguese intellectuals, like Julio Dantas, Jose de Figueiredo or the Propaganda Ministry director and the “spirit policy” creator, the modernist writer Antonio Ferro, accepted the new ideas of Salazar’s regime and themselves became Iberian fascist propagandists. A paradigmatic case of their fascism activism, on which this research is based, was the international campaign run by some of them in favour of the new Spain of general Franco. This campaign caused a reaction by Portuguese intellectuals exiled in Spain, who published a manifesto entitled “Message of the true Portugal” in October 1936, which lambasted the alliance between the Portuguese government and the Spanish fascist movement.
This campaign caused a reaction by Portuguese intellectuals exiled in Spain
which lambasted the alliance between the Portuguese government
Además de la campaña de propaganda realizada por las más destacadas personalidades políticas e intelectuales portuguesas en el exterior, pertenecientes al Frente Popular Portugués o al Comité de Paris, debemos mencionar también las acciones desarrolladas por la Federação de Anarquistas Portugueses Exiliados (FAPE), que creó una emisora conocida como Rádio Fantasma, que emitía hacia Portugal desde España, y el periódico Rebelião, editado por José Rodrigues Reboredo (Oliveira, 1988)
El Diário de Notícias enumera, por ejemplo, las virtudes intelectuales del general Mola intelectual contra a esperança e o júbilo intrépido dos comunistas de Portugal que alegremente deixaram de ser portugueses para ser espanhóis ou russos.
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