
The article is devoted to the study of the processes of localization of industry in the subjects of the Volga Federal District, special attention is paid to the localization of industry in Udmurtia. There is no consensus on the issues of localization, just as there is no unity of views on the measuring instruments of this process. The article attempts to describe industrial localization not at the sectoral level, but at the regional level, while providing indicators that reflect these processes precisely in the regional context. The development of the world economy and the introduction of economic sanctions against the Russian Federation dictate the need to intensify the processes of localization in industry. Most researchers recognize that localization in industry should lead to an increase in the number of high-tech jobs, increase investment in industrial production and, as a result, improve the level and quality of life, and lead to an increase in the population. The author analyzed the economic indicators characterizing the processes of industrial localization over the past decade in the region and, based on the statistical study, concluded that the degree of industrial localization in Udmurtia has decreased. A fact has been revealed indicating that the processes of localization in the industry of Udmurtia are slower than the average for the regions of the Volga Federal District and tend to continue and, therefore, lead to destructive phenomena. From a practical point of view, the article contains recommendations to the leadership of Udmurtia on the need to adjust the industrial policy of the region and make more active use of the existing production and labor potential.

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