
Child Friendly Schools are schools that are responsible for fulfilling and guaranteeing children's rights in a planned manner in life aspects. Based on child protection law article 4 of Law No.23 of 2002 states that children have the right to live, grow, develop, and participate appropriately according to human dignity, standards and values to get protection from violence and discrimination or bullying. Bullying is increasingly happening in the community, foe example in children, adolescents and adults. Bullying behavior involves power and power that is not balanced so that the victim is in a state of helplessness to oppose the act of bullying that he receives. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research on bullying cases that occur in primary schools. This study uses the Anti-bullying module which aims to prevent, reduce, introduce and teach the occurrence of bullying through child-friendly schools in SD Wonokromo District, Surabaya.

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