
Indonesian territory which consists of several islands, both large and large and small, is an area that has a level of vulnerability. In this case heard and witnessed through the media various events from natural phenomena, namely earthquakes in recent years that hit several regions in Indonesia. The potential for natural phenomena to occur is very large because the position of the Indonesian archipelago is at the confluence of the Australian plate, the Pacific plate, and the Eurasian plate. This condition causes the need to comply with the principles of planning and implementing an earthquake resistant system in every building structure to be built in the territory of Indonesia, especially for areas that have a moderate to high level of earthquake risk or vulnerability. Research on the main structure of the LPMP office building with 8 floors aims to determine the behavior of the structure in response to static earthquake loads and dynamic earthquake loads.
 The method suitable for building design involving earthquake loads in the calculation is the equivalent static. This method is only intended for regular horizontal and vertical SNI 1726(2012)buildings. One of the characteristics of a regular bulding is that the building’s height is less than 40 meters and 10 levels as seen from the building pedestal so that the building tends to be rigid and the building is low. Along with the development of the times, many software that can be used to facilitate an earthquake resistant building design in Indonesia have been revised to SNI-1726(2012).
 In earthquake SNI 03-1726-2012 article 7.1.3 it is stated that : the final value of the dynamic response of the building structure to the nominal earthquake loading due to the effect of a planned earthquake in a certain direction, should not be taken less than 85 % of the value of the first variety response. If the dynamic response of the building structure is expressed in nominal basic shear force V, where the value of the oh the nominal base shear for each static earthquake in the x direction is 0.867622 and the y direction is 0.975368 where the bigger the dynamic earthquake in the x direction is 3425.624 and the y direction amounting to 3550.92 so that the structural seismicity review shows the result that meet the seismic requirements stipulated in the SNI, starting from the building period, the mass participation ratio, the basic shear force of structural deviations.


  • Abstrak: Wilayah Indonesia yang terdiri dari beberapa gugusan pulau-pulau baik besar maupun kecil yang sebagian besar merupakan wilayah yang mempunyai tingkat kerawanan

  • Indonesian territory which consists of several islands

  • an area that has a level of vulnerability

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Wilayah Indonesia yang terdiri dari beberapa gugusan pulau-pulau baik besar maupun kecil yang sebagian besar merupakan wilayah yang mempunyai tingkat kerawanan. Dalam hal ini didengar dan disaksikan melalui media berbagai peristiwa dari fenomena alam yaitu gempa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir yang melanda beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Kondisi ini menyebabkan perlunya pemenuhan terhadap kaidah-kaidah perencanaan dan pelaksanaan sistem tahan gempa pada setiap struktur bangunan yang akan dibangun di wilayah Indonesia, khususnya untuk daerah yang memiliki tingkat resiko atau kerawanan gempa menengah hingga tinggi. Hal ini terlihat dari berbagai kerusakan yang terjadi pada struktur bangunan beton bertulang akibat kejadian gempa besar di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, seperti gempa Aceh, Gempa Yogya, gempa Jabar dan terakhir gempa Palu. Penelitian terhadap struktur utama gedung perkantoran LPMP dengan 8 lantai ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku struktur dalam merespon beban gempa statik dan beban gempa dinamik

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