Bu calisma bakteri ve humik asit uygulamalarinin Fern cilek cesidinde vejetatif gelisme ve fide verimi uzerine etkilerini belirlemek amaciyla Erzurum ekolojik kosullarinda 2005- 2006 yillarinda yurutulmustur. Tesaduf bloklarinda bolunmus parseller deneme desenine gore uc tekrarli olarak yurutulen calismada Bakterisiz parsel (B0), Kokten bakteri (KB), Yapraktan Bakteri (YB) ve KB + YB ana parselleri; kontrol, 200, 400, 600, 800 ml/da humik asit (HA) dozlari ise alt parselleri olusturmustur. Fidelerin govde capi (mm), boyu (cm), yas ve kuru fide agirligi (g), yaprak alani (cm 2 ), bitki basina kol sayisi (adet), koldaki fide sayisi (adet), kol uzunlugu (cm) ve bitki basina fide sayisi gibi parametreler incelenmistir. B0 ana parselinde 200 ml/da HA kol uzunlugunu %10,97, 400 ml/da HA fide capini %11,96, 800 ml/da HA kolda fide sayisini %12,92 ve bitki basina fide sayisini %56,48 oranlarinda kontrole gore artirmistir. KB ve 800 ml/da HA uygulamasinin kontrole gore fide boyu, kuru fide ve yas fide agirligini sirasi ile %11,43, %32,29 ve %28,24 oranlarinda arttirmistir. Calismada cilekte vejetatif gelisme ve fide uretimi icin 800 ml/da HA uygulamasinin en etkili doz oldugu ve humik asit ile beraber KB uygulamasinin diger bakteri uygulama sekillerine gore daha iyi sonuc verdigi tespit edilmistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Cilek, fide verimi, humik asit, bakteri uygulamasi The Effects of Humic Acid and Bacteri Application on Vegetative Growth and Daughter Plant Yield in Strawberry ( Fragaria ananassa L.) ABSTRACT: The objective of these study was to investigate the effectes of plant growth promoting rizobacteria (PGPR) and humic acid applications on vegetative growth and daughter plant yields of strawberry cv. Fern. The study was carried out in Erzurum ecological conditions in 2005-2006. Completely randomized blocks were designed and arranged split plots with three replications. PGPR applications were divided into four main plots as bacteria free (B0), rot inoculation (RI), foliar aplication (FA) and RI + FA. Subplots were four humic acid (HA) doses with control such as, 2, 4, 6 and 8 L/ha. Daughter plant stem diametter (mm), length (cm), dry weight (g), fresh weight (g), leaf area of mother plant (cm 2 ), number of stolon per plant, number of daughter plant per stolon, stolon length (cm) and number of daughter plant per plant were investigated in the present study. In B0 main plot, 2 L/ha HA for stolon length, 4 L/ha HA for daughter plant diametter, 8 L/ha HA for daughter plant per stolon and for daughter plant per plant were found to be increase at the rate of 10.97%, 11.96%, 12.92% and 56.48%, respectively compared to control. Morever, when compared to control, RI and 8 L/da HA aplication increased length, dried weight and fresh weight of daughter plant at the rate of 11.43%, 32.29% and 28.24%, respectively. The most effective dose of HA on vegetative growth and yield of daughter plant in strawberry was 8 L/ha. It was also determined that 8 L/ha HA combined with RI gave better results than FA and RI+FA application of PGPR in the study. Key words: Strawberry, daughter plant yield, humic acid, PGPR application
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