The author in the article on the basis of the results of a specific sociological study shows the importance of traditions and innovations in the system of managing Russian higher education to ensure the educational security of the state in the conditions of the transition of the world economy to science-intensive technologies, the unification of legislation, and the integration of production. The technology of investigating the problem is presented on the basis of a complex of theoretical and empirical methods. The methodology of studying education as an open system in which traditions are subjected to destruction by the forces and means of a hybrid war is revealed. Possible threats, dangers, objectivity and subjectivity of the conflict of traditions and innovations in the management system of higher education are shown. The author substantiates the necessity to minimize the conflict by the organization of strategic management of the main institutions of the society. The shortcomings of our system of higher education management are revealed, which do not allow implementing the best practices of the Bologna process. The rationale for introducing innovations and preserving domestic traditions is presented. The ways of prevention of conflicts of traditions and innovations in the system of management of higher education in Russia are determined. The results of the study of the conflict of traditions and innovations in the system of management of Russian higher education showed that the introduction of Western educational innovations led to destructive conflicts. The main reasons for the contradictions between traditions and innovations are shown.
Мировая экономика переходит на наукоемкие технологии, устраняет границы между странами, объединяет народы, средства производства, унифицирует законодательство
Обосновывается необходимость минимизи- ates the necessity to minimize the conflict by the ровать конфликт организацией стратегического organization of strategic management of the main управления основными институтами общества. institutions of the society
Определяются пути про- conflicts of traditions and innovations in the system филактики конфликтов традиций и инноваций в of management of higher education in Russia are системе управления высшим образованием Рос- determined
Dangers, ные угрозы, опасности, объективность и субъек- objectivity and subjectivity of the conflict of tradiтивность конфликта традиций и инноваций в си- tions and innovations in the management system of стеме управления высшим российским образова- higher education are shown. Определяются пути про- conflicts of traditions and innovations in the system филактики конфликтов традиций и инноваций в of management of higher education in Russia are системе управления высшим образованием Рос- determined. Результаты исследования конфликта тради- of traditions and innovations in the system of manций и инноваций в системе управления россий- agement of Russian higher education showed that ским высшим образованием показали, что внед- the introduction of Western educational innovaрение западных образовательных новшеств при- tions led to destructive conflicts. Поэтому управление институтом высшего образования, вопреки желаниям и усилиям современных западников, должно основываться на отечественных традициях, обусловленных географией страны, клима-
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