
Developing spatial geometric thinking in students of Pre-University education in Cuba, as one of the components of mathematical thinking, is an imperative in the teaching-learning process of the mathematics subject at this level educational. The majority of students who promoted to twelfth grade and even those who are studying higher education, not infrequently, present difficulties in demonstrating that they possess some development skills related to spatial geometric thinking. In this work, from the critical analysis of research of different authors on the subject, as well as the use of methods such as: analytical - synthetic, inductive - deductive , survey, analysis of frequency, goodness of fit for a docimas population as tests of statistical significance; was an exploratory study of the current situation of the development of the spatial geometric thinking skills in students and teachers of the subject mathematics of the urban pre-University Institute "Martyrs of el Porvenir" of the municipality of 10 October in the province of Havana. These results allowed to make several reflections which showed inconsistencies in these students and their teachers in the aforementioned level of education in the national education system in the Republic of Cuba.

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