Gate-grounded tunnel field effect transistors (ggTFETs) are considered as basic electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection devices in TFET-integrated circuits. ESD test method of transmission line pulse is used to deeply analyze the current characteristics and working mechanism of Conventional TFET ESD impact. On this basis, a SiGe Source/Drain PNN (P+N+N+) tunnel field effect transistors (TFET) was proposed, which was simulated by Sentaurus technology computer aided design (TCAD) software. Simulation results showed that the trigger voltage of SiGe PNN TFET was 46.3% lower, and the failure current was 13.3% higher than Conventional TFET. After analyzing the simulation results, the parameters of the SiGe PNN TFET were optimized. The single current path of the SiGe PNN TFET was analyzed and explained in the case of gate grounding.
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