Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis that is known by the name of binahong leaves have medicinal properties traditionally as wound healing. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of leaf binahong extract ointment on graze and to know the effectiveness of the leaf binahong extract ointment as wound healing. This research used experimental research method. Simplicia powder of binahong leaf was extracted using a maceration method. The result of maceration extracted by using a rotary evaporator, the extract obtained are formulated into ointments. Binahong leaf extract ointment made within 5 concentrations that is a concentration of 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%. The subject of research in the form of a rabbits that amount 3 tails were divided into 7 treatment groups ie negative control (ointment base), positive control (Betadine ointment), ointments leaf extract binahong 20%, ointment leaf extract binahong 25%, ointment leaf extract binahong 30%, ointment binahong 35% leaf extract and leaf extract ointment binahong 40%. Rabbits are scarred on the back with a wound length of 2 cm. Ointment leaf extract with various concentrations carried out the effectiveness test against the healing of scratch on the back of a rabbit that has been injured. On testing ointment was done organoleptic test, homogeneity test and pH test. The data were processed statistically using ANOVA analysis with SPSS method. Results of the research and the results of statistical analysis that extract ointment. Binahong leaf had effectivity on a scratch wound. Binahong leaf extract ointment concentration of 20%, 25% and 30% have given the effect of wound healing, where as the concentration of 35% and 40% give a more effective healing effect. Effects similar to the positive control, namely ointment binahong leaf extract with a concentration of 35%, whereas the leaf extract ointment binahong 40% have the best effect.
Indonesia merupakan sebuah negara dengan sumber daya alam yang melimpah
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of leaf binahong extract ointment on graze and to know the effectiveness of the leaf binahong extract ointment as wound healing
Uji Aktifitas Salep Ekstrak Daun Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steen) Sebagai Penyembuh Luka Bakar pada
Bahan: Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain : ekstrak daun binahong, etanol 96%, aquadest, Betadine salep, vaselin album, adeps lanae, etanol 70%, Pereaksi Mayer, Pereaksi Wagner, Pereaksi Dragendorff, Pereaksi Bucharat, H2SO4 pekat, NH3, CHCl3, HCl pekat, serbuk magnesium (Mg), FeCl3 dan 3 kelinci jantan putih dengan berat badan 2-3 kg. Alat: Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain : timbangan analitik, timbangan kelinci, cawan penguap, gelas ukur, kapas, kandang kelinci, lumpang, alu, gunting pencukur bulu, sigmat, surgical blade sterile, bisturi nomor 15, pot salep, tabung reaksi, batang pengaduk, gelas ukur, pipet tetes, spatula, botol semprot, lemari es, corong, wadah ekstrak, pengayak 40 mesh, blender dan pisau bisturi
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