
Intestinal parasites are important agents of human diseases, besides being responsible for impairingchildhood development. Although transmission is well known, lack of information and precarioussocial and economic conditions are risk factors that allow maintenance of parasite cycles, favoringtransmission. This study was carried out among resident children and employees of a CatholicInstitution, located in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, and consisted of delivering lectures and collectingfresh stool samples, which were processed through the Willis and Hoffman, Pons and Janermethods. Enteroparasites were found in 41 samples (60%) and Blastocystis hominis was the mostprevalent (44%). Additionally, in seven samples where microscopic examination was positive forthe E. histolytica/E. dispar complex an ELISA was employed to detect E. histolytica and only onereacted positively in the immunoassay. In 37 samples a Nested-PCR was carried out for detectionof E. histolytica and E. dispar and in 12 samples (32%) a product with 195 bp was observed usingE. dispar primers, while there was no amplification product with E. histolytica specific primers. Asthe Institution has a good pattern of hygiene not related with the results, a superficial analysis of itsperipheral area was carried out and showed lots of garbage in the neighborhood and sewage outflowinto the play area of the Institution. We concluded that these points may be responsible for the soilcontamination and could be incriminated as one of the sources of infection in the children.

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