
The article substantiates the organizational and methodological support of physical education classes for students of higher education institutions by means of distance technologies aimed at the development of their physical activity in the school day. The article determines the didactic potential of such technologies in creating an experimental program of physical education of students. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of psychophysiological functions of attention of students of the main medical groups under the influence of the experimental program of physical education by means of remote technologies. Research methods: general scientific methods of theoretical level: analysis and synthesis, and methods of obtaining empirical data: pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The state of psychophysiological functions of attention of students of the basic medical groups in the course of practical introduction of the experimental program is empirically analyzed. Distinctive features of such a program are the gradual development of motor activity and differentiation on each means, methods of teaching; direction of physical activity; dosing of loads for each lesson; types and content of control, self-control. The program provided for the introduction of traditional and non-traditional forms of physical education and innovative modern means of physical activity. The use of the developed experimental program of physical education of students by means of remote technologies provided significantly (p from <0.05 to <0.001) higher result than obtained after using the traditional approach to the organization of physical education. Experimental verification showed the high efficiency of the proposed program for its implementation. at the end of the experimental verification of the proposed innovations, the students of the experimental group achieve significantly higher values in all studied indicators, compared with the students of the control group. Thus, the dynamics of mental capacity and cognitive functions during the course of classes in general demonstrated the advantage of students of the experimental group over the control in the development of psychophysiological functions. It is proved that rationally organized classes according to the experimental program of physical education in the conditions of distance learning allow to realize the educational process without negative consequences for the state of psychophysiological functions of students, but also contribute to the improvement of their condition.


  • Galizdra A. (2004) Characteristics of factors influencing the health of students of higher educational institutions // Theory and methods of physical education

  • Практичне значення одержаних результатів полягає у розробленні й упровадженні в практику фізичного виховання студентів закладів вищої освіти (ЗВО) експериментальної програми засобами дистанційних технологій; стратегії проектування змісту таких занять, що передбачає врахування негативного впливу на руховий режим студентів такого типу навчання

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КОРЕКЦІЙНИЙ ВПЛИВ НА СТАН ПСИХОФІЗІОЛОГІЧНИХ ФУНКЦІЙ СТУДЕНТІВ У ФІЗИЧНОМУ ВИХОВАННІ ЗАСОБАМИ ДИСТАНЦІЙНИХ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ Що раціонально організовані заняття за експериментальною програмою фізичного виховання в умовах дистанційного навчання дозволяють реалізовувати навчальний процес без негативних наслідків для стану психофізіологічних функцій студентів, але й сприяють покращанню їхнього стану. Corrective influence on the state of psychophysiological functions of students in physical education by by technologies of distance learning.

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