
Introduction. Today, when assessing the importance of physical education in student age, it is important to take into account its need in solving problems of general physical education and physical development. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that motor activity is a natural need the organism, an indispensable condition of physical development, strengthening of health and increase resistance of the organism to adverse conditions. However, special studies the content general physical education, motor mode of students convincingly show the insufficient satisfaction of these needs. Lack of meaningful motor activity inevitably leads to irreparable losses in physical development, weakening of the body's defenses and serious health problems. Therefore, the issues improving the content, forms and methods of physical education students in higher education institutions remain relevant. The article considers and analyzes the importance sectional classes Crossfit, one of the most popular types physical activity among student youth. Crossfit is widely used as a means developing physical qualities and abilities. In addition, Crossfit classes cause a number changes in the functional systems of the body those involved. Hypothesis of the study is that cross-section Crossfit classes will improve the physical condition of students of higher education institutions. Research purpose to determine the impact of cross-section Crossfit classes on the physical condition of students. Research methods and materials. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, method of anthropometry, functional research methods, pedagogical experiment, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 32 students studying at Sumy State Pedagogical University A.S. Makarenko, who belong to the main medical group and have no abnormalities in health. Results. The data of experimental research influence of the developed technique section classes Crossfit on indicators a physical condition of students are presented and its efficiency is proved. As a result of the study, it was determined that Crossfit classes help to reduce the heart rate of students, increase the indicators of VСL and tests Stange, Gencha, Rufier. There is a significant improvement in the results of tests on the strength the muscles the upper extremities, speed, agility and endurance. The average level physical health of young men has significantly improved, which indicates the transition of indicators from below the average functional class to the average, most young men have reached a safe level of health. Conclusions. 1. With the use of cross-section Crossfit classes, you can solve the problem of optimizing the educational process of physical education in higher education. 2. The use of Crossfit sectional classes in the IHE proved the effectiveness of the proposed method, as there are statistically significant improvements in the functional indicators of students, indicators of physical fitness and level of physical health.

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