
The regenerative properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are undergoing active investigation as a therapeutic principle for cardiovascular disease. Initial studies using autologous cells provide a solid foundation for the field. Given the immunoprivileged properties of these cells, Phase I and II clinical trials for ischemic cardiomyopathy have shown that allogeneic cell therapy is equally safe and effective. The concerns that allogeneic cells would produce neoplasia, immune responses, or episodes of arrhythmia have not been borne out. Currently, a variety of MSC preparations are undergoing Phase III trials. Several mechanistic studies show that MSCs decrease myocardial scar tissue and enhances left ventricular function. Together this body of work suggests that this approach is a novel, cost-effective, off-the-shelf therapy that may improve cardiac performance and quality of life in patients with ischemic and nonischemic cardiovascular pathologies.

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