
Unlocking the mystery of exosomes in biology, health and disease is a fascinating journey for many scientists and clinicians. In dermatology, we have learned that exosomes play major roles in the basic biology and pathogenesis of disease. Exploring how different cell types utilize extracellular vesicles and exosomes to communicate with each other is a new and exciting frontier. Exosomes can be utilized as liquid biopsies to detect various types of skin cancer metastases. Exosomes can be used as therapeutics to promote cutaneous wound healing. While we have learned much about the role of exosomes in dermatology over the last decade, many more exciting questions are inspired by these discoveries. Efforts to understand how exosomes fit into our models of skin biology and the pathogenesis inflammatory and neoplastic diseases is essential to move the field toward better diagnostic capabilities and management for patients with cutaneous disease.

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