
This study aims to evaluate the reality over gender equality within a Vocational Education Training (VET) context, by analyzing the current situation in Spain, by means of interpreting a case of study carried out in a local Spanish high school.The obtained data will be assessed taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), within the 2030 horizon, held by UNESCO. The current study has been focused towards both 4 and 5 SDG, named as quality education and gender equality, respectively. Above this, the real concern relies on the elimination of gender disparities in this educational framework, that will certainly preserve into lifework. This research has been theoretically based on gender imbalance proof and empirically supported by a poll asked by VET teachers from a high school in Catalonia (Spain). The items of the survey are focused on the disparity issues which lead to this current situation. The findings of the survey embrace the fact that gender clichés notably exist in our present society, and as a result, in our schools. VET lecturers and high schools are essential to amend this handicap. The hereafter lines mean to be based on merge gender competences as much as promote a more likely gender-sensitive atmosphere.

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