
OZET: Bu calismanin amaci, Bursa ili Karacabey ilcesinde organik ve konvansiyonel olarak uretilen seftalinin maliyetler acisindan karsilastirmasini yapmaktir. Arastirmada, Bursa ili Karacabey ilcesinde bulunan organik seftali uretimi yapan 2 isletme tam sayim yontemine gore, konvansiyonel seftali uretimi yapan 2 isletme ise gayeli ornekleme yontemine gore belirlenmistir. Bu ureticilerden anket yontemiyle toplanan 2004 uretim donemine ait bilgiler analiz edilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, incelenen isletmelerde dekara seftali uretim masraflari organik isletmelerde 287,17 YTL, konvansiyonel isletmelerde 420,73 YTL, organik seftalinin birim maliyeti 1,59 YTL/kg, konvansiyonel seftalinin maliyeti ise 1,38 YTL/kg olarak bulunmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Karacabey, Konvansiyonel Uretim, Birim Maliyet, Organik Uretim, Seftali The Comparision of The Costs of Organic And Conventional Peach Production in Karacabey District, Bursa Province ABSTRACT: The aim of this research is to compare the costs of peach produced organically and conventionally in Karacabey district, Bursa Province. In this research, four farms have been selected in Karacabey district: two farms producing organic peach have been selected by whole counting method and the other two farms producing conventional peach have been selected by an aim sampling method. The data collected from surveys belong to 2004 production season. According to the research results, in the examined farms in 2004 production period, The production cost of peach per decare was found to be 287,17 YTL in organic farms and 420,73 YTL in conventional farms. The unit cost of peach was found to be 1.59 YTL/kg in organic farms, 1.38 YTL/kg in conventional farms. Keywords: Karacabey, Conventional Production, Unit Cost, Organic Production, Peach

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