Bu arastirma, Ataturk Universitesi Erzurum Ciftligi topraklarinda katyon degisim kapasitesi ve degisebilir katyonlarin agregat stabilitesi ile ili.$kisini ortaya koymak icin yapilmistir. Bu gaye ile onceden tesbit edilmis olan toprak tiplerini temsil edecek surette yuzeydenden (0-30 cm) onuc adet toprak ornegi almmlJtir. Ara.jtirma sonuclarina gore; topraklann reaksiyonu 6,8-8,1, organik madde mulitevasi :yo 0,8-43,4, degisebilir kalsiyum 11,6-40,0 me./lOO gr., degisebilir magnezyum 2,4-14,4 me./lOO gr., katyon degisim kapasitesi 16,3-64,2 me./100 gr. ve agrega!>yon degeri de % 35,7 - 92,5 arasinda degismektedir. Ara.jtirma konusu topraklarda degisebilir kalsiyum, degisebilir magnezyum, degisebilir toplam kalsiyum ve magnezyum ve katyon degisim kapasitesi ile agregasyon arasinda %5 ihtimalte sirasile pozitif onemli iliskiler (r=0,5770; 0,5805; 0,6010; 0,6317) elde edilmistir. SUMMARY This investigation has been conducted to detect the relationsips between both cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cations and aggregation stability of the soils on the Farm of Ataturk University in Erzurum. The area investigated extends from the base of Palandoken Mountains in the south to the canai of Karasu in the north. lt has young alluvial material carried by the Pasalar and Kirkdegirmenler streams. For this reason , thirteen soil samples so that to characterize the area investigated have been taken from the topsoil (0-12 in.) According to the results obtained, the vaIues of pH, organic matter, exchangeabIe cakium, exchangeable magnesium, total exchangeable calcium and magne sium,cation exchange capacity and aggregation of the soils have been found between 6.8-8. i; 0.8-43.4 %; 11.6-40.0 mejlOO gr.; 2.4-14.4 me./100 gr.; 16.U-54,4 me./ 100 gr; 16.3-64.2 me./100 gr. and 35.7-92.5 % , respectively. Between both the values of the exchangeable calcium and exchangeable magnesiuin and aggregation of the soils, significant positive correlation coefficients (r = +0.5770 and + 0.5808, respectively) have been obtained at the level of 5 %' Positive correlation coefficients (r=+0.601O and + 0.6316, respectively) at the level of 5% have been found between both total excahangeable cakium and magnesium and cation exchange capacity and aggregation of the soil samples. These show that there are significent relationships between those properties and aggregation of the soils investigated.
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