The aim – to conduct a comparative assessment of the condition of newborns, dependingon different types of antenatal preparation.Material and methods. The study was carried out on the basis of the maternitydepartment for pregnants and parturient women with obstetric pathology of the StateInstitution “Institute of Pediatrics of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after V.I. acad.EAT. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine ". The first groupincluded 45 pregnant women who underwent a course of psychophysical training withpositive motivation for partner childbirth. The second group consisted of 45 pregnantwomen, also underwent a course of psychophysical training with positive motivation forpartner labor, but had a desire not to carry out pain relief during childbirth, therefore,they chose training using the method of transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) of brainstructures. All pregnant women underwent a determination of their psychoemotional stateto define the level of situational anxiety according to the method of Ch.D. Spielberger andYu.L. Khanin. The second group of pregnant women was tested after the fourth EFTprocedure and again the day before delivery. The threshold of pain sensitivity of apregnant woman in each group was also determined. Subjective assessment was carriedout for women in labor on the first day after delivery and using a verbal descriptivescale for assessing pain (Verbal Descriptor Scale, 1990). To assess the condition of thefetus during childbirth, cardiotocographic studies were carried out, and after birth – anassessment on the Apgar scale at the first and fifth minutes.Results. In women who underwent a course of psychophysical training with positivemotivation for partner childbirth together with the method of transcranial electricalstimulation, physiological childbirth proceeded 1.2 times more often than in womenpatients who did not undergo prenatal training (88.9 % versus 75.6 %, respectively).Allchildbirth, occurred in the second group, began on their own and did not require laborinduction, but in the first group this indicator was 6.3% of cases.Conclusions. It has been established that prenatal preparation has a positive effect notonly on the condition of the woman, but also on the condition of the fetus and newborn.Psychophysical preparation for childbirth with motivation for partner support using theTES method significantly increases the pain tolerance threshold, improves the courseof childbirth and the possibility of adaptive mechanisms of the mother and fetus, asevidenced by the assessment of points on the Apgar scale, adaptation of newborns, earlyattachment to the breast, joint stay of mother and child.
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