
Purpose of the work – to study the current aspects of the course of labor in healthy women using retrospective indicators.Material and methods. To study this topic, an analysis of 1.078 births of women who were born on the basis of the maternity ward for pregnant women with obstetric pathology of the State Institution «Institute of Pediatrics,Obstetrics and Gynecology named after acad. O.M. Lukyanova National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine». It was found that of all births, the proportion of first-borns was 602 (55.8 %) women, of whom 451 (41.8 %) were pregnant, and only 86 (8 %) were healthy pregnant women, which we will study in the future.Results. It was found that among 86 births, the frequency of physiological births was 64 %, of which in 47.7 % of cases childbirth was complicated, and pathological – 36 %. The most common complications during childbirth were: premature rupture of membranes (PRPO), episio- and perineotomy, trauma to the birth canal. The causes of pathological childbirth in the examined women were: abnormalities of labor, fetal distress, defect of manure and membranes, clinically narrow pelvis, malposition of the fetus and early postpartum hemorrhage. All children were born alive. It should be noted that all births, where the Apgar score was ≤ 6 points, had no partner support, and the women themselves did not undergo any preparation for childbirth. Conclusions. According to our data, in almost healthy women who gave birth for the first time and had no perinatal loss in the anamnesis, did not undergo prenatal training and did not have partner support during childbirth, the number of complications during childbirth is increasing. Therefore, this group of healthy pregnant women needs more detailed study and analysis, development of prenatal training algorithms to improve perinatal indicators.


  • Мета роботи – вивчити актуальні аспекти перебігу пологів у здорових жінок за ретроспективними даними

  • Как свидетельствуют полученные нами данные, у практически здоровых женщин, которые рожали впервые и не имели перинатальных потерь в анамнезе, не проходили дородовой подготовки и не имели партнерской поддержки во время родов, количество осложнений во время родов возрастает

  • An analysis of 1.078 births of women who were born on the basis of the maternity ward for pregnant women with obstetric pathology of the State Institution «Institute of Pediatrics,Obstetrics and Gynecology named after acad

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Мета роботи – вивчити актуальні аспекти перебігу пологів у здорових жінок за ретроспективними даними. Для вивчення даної теми проведений аналіз 1078 пологів жінок, які були розроджені на базі пологового відділення для вагітних з акушерською патологію ДУ «ІПАГ ім.

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