
Statement of the problem. The article discusses the derivatives of precedent anthroponyms in media discourse, derivatives from anthroponyms, or ADs. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristic features of the semantics and communicative potential of ADs in Russian media discourse. Results. Analysis of the denotative meaning of ADs made it possible to identify 9 thematic groups of nouns identified in the sources of the material. The analysis of the connotative meaning of ADs showed that they have different degrees of emotional-and- evaluative coloring. Conclusion. The material of the research includes the printed Russian periodicals and electronic sources containing ADs. Research methods include both general scientific methods of description, analysis and synthesis of information, and linguistic methods: component analysis, dictionary definitions, morpheme semantization, as well as the method of contextual analysis. The study of the communicative potential of ADs showed that in view of their novelty, originality and emotiveness, such units are an important means of increasing the expressiveness of the text and attracting the attention of the recipient. ADs in headings are multifunctional, due to the fact that they are in the initial position and have a voluminous meaning related to the entire text as a whole. The special functions of the ADs in headings are attractive, i.e. attracting the attention of the reader, and that of the hashtag, i.e. a keyword to interpret the text. The use of ADs in the text of the article makes the description vivid and imaginative. They represent an extract of meanings, ideas, assessments. ADs are used as an indicator of the activity of journalists’ word-creation. They can be seen as a powerful stylistic device.

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