
The article is devoted to the analysis of the logical operation of comparison and its verbalization in the Olga Kobylyanska’s artistic discourse. Comparison is a cognitive operation on the basis of which the act of reality comprehending is carried out. The ontological prerequisite of comparison is the real similarity and difference of objects of cognition. The topicality of the article is determined by the need of studing camparison and its expression in Olga Kobylyanskaya idiostyle in order to form a cognitive-pragmatic conception of the writer's artistic discourse. The purpose of the article is to analyze the cognitive and stylistic aspects of comparison in Olga Kobylyanska's short prose. The object of research is the language of Olga Kobylyanska’s works written mainly in the 80-90s of the XIX century – at the beginning of the XX century, which were included to the first volume of the ten volumes collection of Bukovinian writer’s works. The subject of research is cognitive and stylistic features of comparison in Olga Kobylyanska's short prose. The novelty of scientific work is conditioned by the fact that the comparisons and means of its expression in the Olga Kobylyanska’s short prose written at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries have not yet been the subject of analysis in cognitive and stylistic aspects. In the article as the main general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis are used, as well as linguistic – method of linguistic observation, descriptive and structural methods. Comparison-non-sentence structures (words, word combinations – comparative inversions) and comparison-sentence structures are considered in cognitive and stylistic aspects. Olga Kobylyanska’s short prose is characterized by types of imagery connected with the animal’s world, flora’s world, way of life, human being, unreal world, inanimate nature, natural phenomena, abstract concepts, landscape. In Olga Kobylyanska's artistic discourse the concepts of lightning, snow, fairy tales, sun, sea and mountains are acted as a constant way of comparison.

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