
 Sumber-sumber Islam menyebut tentang perlunya ilmu pentadbiran yang selaras dengan pemikiran pengorganisasian dalam Islam. Ramai pakar dan penyelidik Muslim mengakui bahawa penggunaan kaedah Barat oleh negara-negara Islam merupakan cabaran yang besar kerana perniagaan di dunia Islam mempunyai perspektifnya tersendiri sehingga perlu berusaha untuk mencapai objektif Syariah dalam setiap aspek perniagaannya. Begitu juga, skop Tanggungjawab Sosial Pekerja (TSP) masih belum ditentukan dan tiada kriteria untuk mengukur kesannya di negara-negara Islam. Sedangkan, pemikiran pentadbiran Islam sudah pun mempunyai asas dan kriteria yang kukuh dalam merekrut pekerja, terutama untuk pekerjaan awam kerana tanggungjawab sosial adalah sesuatu yang berharga kepada Islam. Disebabkan isu-isu tersebut, kajian ini perlu dilakukan untuk mengenal pasti TSP dalam perspektif Islam. Secara umum, kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Secara khusus ia menggunakan pendekatan induktif yang sesuai digunakan untuk mengumpul data daripada bahan-bahan terdahulu. Data-data yang terkumpul akan dianalisis melalui kaedah analisis kandungan. Hasil analisis ini menemukan beberapa definisi dan kaedah dasar pekerjaan yang meningkatkan tanggungjawab sosial mengikut model TSP dari perspektif Islam. Sumbangan lain ialah menggalakkan peralihan penyelidikan secara teori kepada kajian aplikasi dan penerapan yang mempercepatkan amalan ciri-ciri Islam dalam tanggungjawab sosial dengan mempromosikan konsep TSP kepada pelbagai organisasi.
 Islamic literature mentions the need for administrative sciences that are consistent with Islamic organisational thought. Many Muslim specialists and researchers admit that the adoption of Western methods by Islamic countries represents a significant challenge since business in the Islamic world has its perspective and the quest is to achieve the objectives of Sharia in every aspect of its business. The scope of Employee-Driven of Social Responsibility (WSR) activities is still undetermined and there are no criteria for measuring the impact of these organisational activities especially in Islamic countries. Simultaneously, Islamic administrative thought sets firm foundations and criteria and tightens them when recruiting employees, especially for public jobs since social responsibility is an asset to Islam. Therefore, this study needs to identify the WSR in Islamic perspective. A qualitative approach was used, while the inductive approach was used to collect data from previous literature. Data collections would be analysis by content analysis method. Yield of this study showed that several defines and methods of the possibility of establishing employment policies that enhance social responsibility according to the WSR model from an Islamic perspective. It will contribute cognitively towards building an understanding for a new social responsibility model represented by WSR in Islamic perspective. Other contributions are promoting the transition of Islamic literature from theory and theoretical research to application and applied studies that accelerate the practice of Islamic characteristics in social responsibility by promoting these concepts to various organisations.

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