
Badiuzzaman Said Nursi merupakan salah seorang tokoh dalam bidang pentafsiran al-Quran. Kitab Kulliyyat Rasa’il al-Nur merupakan bukti nyata usaha beliau yang dilakukan dan masih kekal menjadi rujukan sehingga kini. Terkandung di dalamnya pelbagai perbincangan ilmiah antaranya berkaitan mahabbah. Mahabbah merupakan salah satu daripada nilai-nilai Islam yang ditekankan al-Quran dalam proses pembangunan insan. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mencapai beberapa objektif iaitu; (1) mengenal pasti hakikat mahabbah menurut Badiuzzaman Said Nursi; dan (2) membentuk tasawur mahabbah berteraskan hakikat mahabbah yang diperkenalkan oleh Badiuzzaman Said Nursi. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif deskriptif berdasarkan analisis teks dan dokumen. Hasil kajian menemukan bahawa Badiuzzaman Said Nursi memiliki sudut pandang yang tersendiri tentang mahabbah, dan tasawur mahabbah yang terbina mengambil kira sudut hubungan vertikal dan horizontal yang perlu diterapkan dalam diri setiap insan untuk membangun menjadi insan yang cemerlang duniawi dan ukhrawi.
 Bediuzzaman Said Nursi is one of the figures in Quranic Exegesis. The book of Kulliyyat Rasa'il al-Nur is a clear testament to his efforts and referred by many scholars till nowadays. There are various discussions in Kulliyyat Rasa’il al-Nur and among them is mahabbah. Mahabbah is one of the Islamic values emphasized by the Quran in the process of human development. Thus, this study was carried out to achieve several objectives namely, (1) identify the fact of mahabbah according to Bediuzzaman Said Nursi; and (2) form a tasawur of mahabbah based on the fact of mahabbah introduced by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. The study is a descriptive qualitative study, based on the analysis of texts and documents. The results of the study found that Bediuzzaman Said Nursi has his own perspective on mahabbah, and the tasawur of mahabbah which is built considers the vertical and horizontal relationship angles that need to be applied in each human being to develop into an excellent worldly and ukhrawi person.

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