
Peralihan negara memasuki fasa endemik dapat menyaksikan perubahan norma baharu yang diamalkan oleh masyarakat sebelum ini sudah mula dilonggarkan dan kembali kepada tatacara kehidupan yang asal susulan kejayaan program vaksinasi COVID-19 negara dapat dicapai. Peralihan fasa endemik ini telah memberi peluang dan kemudahan kepada manusia untuk merancakkan kembali kegiatan ekonomi, politik, sosial, pendidikan termasuk aktiviti keagamaan. Setiap fasa peralihan daripada normal kepada pandemik dan daripada pandemik kepada endemik telah memberi kesan terhadap perubahan hukum Islam. Ia melibatkan perubahan yang bersifat sementara dan kekal. Antara perubahan hukum yang bersifat sementara adalah berkaitan hukum penangguhan ibadah solat jumaat dan solat jemaah, penjarakan saf, pengehadan bilangan jemaah, larangan merentas negeri, nikah atas talian, kaedah tayamum ke atas jenazah COVID-19 serta penangguhan ibadah haji dan umrah. Manakala hukum yang masih kekal sehingga kini seperti hukum penggunaan vaksin COVID-19. Justeru kajian ini akan menganalisis perubahan hukum dari fasa pandemik kepada fasa endemik COVID-19 di Malaysia. Pengkaji menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui data-data perpustakaan yang digunakan sepenuhnya dan dianalisis secara deduktif. Hasil kajian mendapati perubahan hukum yang berlaku dalam fasa endemik membuktikan hukum islam adalah bersifat fleksibel, mempunyai ciri al-murunah dan menepati kaedah “tidak diingkari hukum dengan perubahan zaman”. Ini kerana penetapan hukum yang berlaku semasa pandemik hanyalah bersifat sementara dan akan kembali kepada hukum yang asal apabila keadaan kembali normal.
 Following the success of the nation's COVID-19 immunisation programme, the society's new rules were eased as the nation entered the endemic phase and returned to the previous way of life. This endemic phase transition has provided opportunities and facilities for people to revive economic, political, social, and educational activities, including religious ones. Each phase of the growth from normal to the pandemic and from pandemic to endemic impacted changes in Islamic law. It involves both temporary and permanent changes. Among the temporary legal changes are related to the law of suspension of Friday and congregational prayers, safe distancing in prayer rows, limiting the number of congregations, cross-state bans, marriage contract through a virtual conference, performing tayammum to the deceased person and postponement of Hajj and Umrah. While the law that remains now is the law on the use of the COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, this study will analyze the change in law from the pandemic stage to the endemic phase of COVID-19 in Malaysia. The researcher used a qualitative approach through library data that was fully utilized and analyzed deductively. The study results found that the changes in the law that took place in the endemic phase prove that Islamic law is flexible, has the characteristics of al-murunah and complies with the method "the law is not disobeyed by the changing times". It is because the stipulation of the law that applies during the pandemic is only temporary and will return to the original hukm when the situation returns to normal.

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