
The article considers the main problems of neology in computer and Internet space, analyzes the factors of emerging the new words and the correlation of their appearance with the pragmatic needs of society as a whole and a specific professional group in particular. We have tried to present the main nominative types and models of neologisms over the past 25 years. Changes in the active human experience lead to the emergence of new and expansion of old fragments of the terms of computer technology for mobile and Internet communications. The range of neologisms in medicine related to remote treatment, computer diagnostics and surgery is expanding. New words appear in the language at a rapid pace, going through all stages of socialization and lexicalization, gradually and finally consolidating in society and dictionaries. The following conclusions are made in the work: world computerization has become a determining factor in the creation of neologisms; One of the main centers of generating and attracting neologisms is the computer technology, mobile and Internet communications as the fastest growing in our time; the lexical system of the English language is flexible and able to adapt to the constant emergence of new concepts and the need for their lexical fixation. There are different ways to classify neologisms and define the very concept of neologism. New words, which have not been known so far, are actively used especially by the younger generation of the planet. Every year the development of Internet technologies accelerates, becomes more intensive and diversified, which leads to the rapid formation and assimilation of neologisms not only in this area, but also in everyday use by native speakers of both languages – English and Ukrainian. Neologisms can be grouped in the form of word-formation models, the nominative potential of which is far from heterogeneous. The most intensively replenished with new vocabulary are those areas that are most important for human activity in this period. In other words, the formation of new words depends on the real state of extralinguistic reality. The study of linguistic material gives grounds to assert that neologisms of this period are represented not only by models of word formation, affixation and conversion as the most common ways of word formation. Various abbreviations (clippings, truncations, telescopies, abbreviations, acronyms, conversions) are increasingly active ways of producing English neologisms. A prominent place among the innovations of this period is occupied by numerous formations that arose on the basis of semantic and phraseological derivation. For the first time we proposed a comprehensive approach to the analysis of ways to expand the neological base which has allowed to get a holistic view of a set of new language resources involved in the formation of adequate conceptual and neological pictures of the world inherent in modern English speakers. In the vast majority of cases, the nomination or verbalization of new phenomena and objects in the first place there is word formation. The work helps to consider in detail the neologization as a stable means of replenishing the vocabulary, but there are still many relevant issues that require further study.

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