
The article analyses a series of 10 stirrups found in two burial grounds of the Odintsovo culture and accidentally found in the forest-steppe regions of Altai. Information about the location of stirrups in burial objects, their design features and parameters, as well as graphic images is provided. As a result of the classification procedure, the stirrups are divided into two groups, two divisions and five types, supplemented by six variants. Typological analysis made it possible to outline a circle of analogies and determine the dating of the subjects studied. The conclusion is made about the appearance of stirrups among the tribes of the Odintsovo culture under the influence of the Turks of the Altai Mountains at the turn of the 5-6th century. The initial stage of the development of stirrups by the local population can be determined within the framework of the 6th - the 1st half of the 8th centuries. It is characterized by the predominance of simple products and the following of the original Turkic tradition of placing one stirrup in the grave. The peculiarity of this stage is the use of organic materials - horns - in the manufacture of some stirrups, which is not observed in the Turkic culture.

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