
Was done the analysis of interdependence in the process of economic development between the intensification of the use of the mineral complex and negative effects on the environment which forms the safe conditions for the deterioration of prospects of environmental-economic development due to the depletion of the resource potential, growth in spending on environmental protection of population and territories, the need to eliminate the effects of technogenic load and restore the natural conditions of existence. It was proved that industrial areas, which recorded elevated environmental risk should be considered as zones of ecological emergency where as a result of negative impact of anthropogenic factors occur persistent negative environmental changes that threaten public health, the natural ecosystems, plant and animal gene pool and some of them have reasons to obtain the status of ecological disaster zones. Were studied preconditions, characteristics and prospects of forming a system of environmental charges on charging for industrial purpose of natural resources management and payments to the population living in unfavorable environmental or natural conditions namely in polluted industrial regions. Were determined the directions of system development of environmental charges: namely charges for the use of natural resources, pollution charges and environmental charges for deterioration of quality of natural resources. It was proposed to introduce the correction coefficients that allow the expenditure part of the budget to put in dependence on the socio-economic, environmental and demographic situation in Ukraine

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