
The features and prospects of development of the primary real estate market of St. Petersburg during the crisis period have been revealed, the volume of demand for real estate in the primary market of St. Petersburg has been estimated, the price dynamics in the primary and secondary real estate market of St. Petersburg for the period January 2020 – April 2023 has been presented. The main trends, problems and prospects of the retail real estate market have been revealed. The dynamic series of attendance rates in the shopping malls in 2022, the level of occupancy of retail facilities, the dynamics of rental rates for anchor tenants and space in the retail gallery were plotted. The levels of operating costs and profitability indicators for retail space have been revealed. The methods of synthesis, induction (inductive generalization (empirical)), concretization, comparison and analysis of dynamic series have been used in the work. The authors came to the conclusion that the prerequisites listed in the article for the analyzed period (demand decrease, economic crisis, drop of real incomes of population) will contribute to the reversal of growth tendency to the reduction of prices on the primary and secondary real estate market of St. Petersburg. It was noted that the crisis in the market of retail real estate in Saint-Petersburg has its own characteristics and requires from entrepreneurs to make non-standard decisions and be ready for the changes in the market.

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