
In solving problems related to the economy, a special place is occupied by conceptual approaches that focus on the conductors of innovative development. The progressive essence of such solutions is the theoretical and methodological approach to the economy of quality, which is found in standardization, metrology and quality management. The survey of economic activities in science, education and innovation does not use just three specific areas of activity, but a set of interrelated processes. The innovation process should ensure productivity only while accelerating the development of science and education in the region. On the conceptual basis of quality, our proposals were formulated, aimed at improving the quality of the economy in all its manifestations and, first of all, at improving the quality of life. The ideas put forward were used in the development of strategic documents: «Comprehensive scientific and technical program of the NorthWestern Federal District of the Russian Federation until 2030», the Strategy for the economic and social development of St. Petersburg until 2030 and subsequently adopted the Strategy for the socioeconomic development of St. Petersburg until 2035, The concept of scientific and technological development of St. Petersburg until 2030.

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