
The prerequisites for the development of the ICT industry, which provide for the implementation of a number of institutional and structural reforms in the system of infrastructural, financial-investment, innovation-technological and other resource provision, have been noted. The places of Ukraine in the ratings of digital competitiveness, development of e-governance, UN e-participation have been determined. It was concluded that the current state of development of the digital economy system of Ukraine is insufficient to ensure the competitiveness of the national economy and improve the quality of life of the population. A significant number of competitive advantages of the country’s economic system from the development, implementation, use of digital technologies and generally stable approval of the ICT industry were noted. The presence of systemic problems and obstacles in the ICT industry of Ukraine was noted, however, there is also a strong potential for the development of digitization processes in all spheres of economic and social life. The problem-target area of ensuring the security of the development of the ICT industry of Ukraine includes the training of personnel and the activation of research work in the ICT industry, the information and communication technology of enterprises of the real sector of the economy, the acceleration of the digital transformation of the national economy, the modernization of digital infrastructure, the development of the information society, the formation interaction systems of e-business, e-government, e-society. It was concluded that the list of risks and threats to socio-economic development and overall security of the national economy system can be continued if the country is not ready to accept globalization challenges and follow the trends of total digitalization. As a result, the toolkit for strengthening the security of the development of the ICT industry in the system of digitalization of the economic system should take into account problematic and promising areas of ensuring the international competitiveness of the industry.

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