Solid-state {sup 31}P and {sup 13}C NMR spectra of uniaxially oriented films of layered zirconium bis(phosphonoacetic acid) are discussed. Prior determination of the {sup 31}P phosphonate and {sup 13}C carboxyl chemical shielding tensors in Zr(O{sub 3}PCH{sub 2}COOH){sub 2} allowed for quantitative interpretation of the chemical shift frequencies exhibited in these spectra. Structural details of the organic pendant group are elucidated by analyzing the oriented chemical shift frequency in terms of its dependence on the orientation of the chemical shielding principal axes in the static magnetic field. In Zr(O{sub 3}PCH{sub 2}COOH){sub 2}, the P-C bond was determined to lie perpendicular to the inorganic layers, and the P-C-C-O dihedral angle was calculated as 90 {+-} 15{degrees}.
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