The lead texts, cadmium, zinc, copper and iron in pasteurized integral bovine milk produced in the months of September of 2003 to December of 2004, in the large regions of the State of Goias, they were analysed using spectrometry of atomic absorption with flame. Adopting the approach established in the statistical annual of the State of Goias, of the Clerkship of the Planning (SEPLAN, 2004), that it divided the State of Goias in five large regions, they were picked 27 samples of integral milk pasteurizade in each large region; with a total of 135 samples, and 675 analytic determinations for the five analyzed elements. Following the statistical model of sampling for conglomerate (SPIEGEL, 1978), it was picke samples in municipal districts with larger production milkmaid, so that they were representative for the State. The samples obtained in plastic packings of polietileno pigmentad, they were processed immediately, acomplishingt the physical-chemical analyses of routine initially to evaluate its quality. After the evaluation of the sample, it separated those that were in agreement with the physical-chemical patterns, and the determination of the metals was proceded by spectrophotometry of atomic absorption, according to official methodology (BRASIL, 1994). In relation to the obtained results, the were not found significant differences at 5 % of probability, among the averages of the lead texts, cadmium, zinc and copper in the integral milk, among several large regions. Contaminations were detected by lead and cadmium. The general average obtained for lead was of 0,238 mg/L, for the cadmium it was of 0,0482 mg/L, the medium texts of zinc 3,732 mg/L, copper 0,4869 mg/L and iron was of 0,9626 mg/L. Tends in view the medium resulted obtained in the present study, depreend-if that the analyzed milk, is a poor source in zinc, copper and iron. In relation to the results obtained for lead, in all the large regions of the State of Goias samples of milk contaminated. Key words: Spectrophotometry of atomic absorption, Lead, microelements
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