In a series of recent papers (~), K R O L L , L:EE, ZUMINO and WEINBERG have developed an interes t ing f ield-theoret ical Lagrangian model in which the harmonic par ts of e.m. and weak currents are identif ied wi th the renormal izcd vec tor and axia l -vector meson fields. In this model vec tor -meson dominancc is au tomat ica l ly realized and moreover -a .a the [?t*, ~'~] and [~07,, ?'~] equal t ime commuta to r s can be wr i t ten out. In par t icular the vec tor and axia l -vector Schwinger terms result to be equal so tha t the first Weinberg sum rules are satisfied. However , an unpleasant feature of this model is t ha t the e.m. mass differences turn out to be infinite except for zero-mass particles. The occurrence of this difficulty to first order in ~ has been poin ted out by HALPERN and SEGni: (~) and ZUMINO and WInK (3), and to any order in ~ by OI~nSEX (4). To overcome this difficulty it is necessary to modify the model: LEE (5) has succeeded in obta in ing finite e.m. mass differences assuming tha t the currents are proport ional to the in te rmedia te boson fields ra ther than to strongly in terac t ing ones. In our opinion, this t rouble could be connected to the fact t ha t in the algebra of fields the vec tor and axia l -vector mesons are t rea ted as e lementary particles, whereas it could disappear if these part icles were t rea ted as composi te ones. The aim of this le t ter is to give some indicat ions in this direction.
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