Wide-bandgap electronics operate at much higher voltages and frequencies compared to silicon counterparts. They are more resilient as well, being able to withstand much higher electrical field and temperature. However, a gap remains between their potential and measured performance and reliability. This gap is typically sought to be closed by perfecting materials synthesis and device fabrication processes.In this presentation, we offer a different perspective by focusing on the residual defects and stresses that are localized in these devices. Typically, average values of such stresses are not high enough to draw attention. However, the core contribution of this research is to highlight that the localized values can be deceptively high to impact the device properties even though their global average could be negligible. We study SiC, Ga2O3 diodes and AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) to show that mechanical confinements lead to enhanced radiation vulnerability and accelerated ageing degradation. The reverse is also true; removal of the confined stresses leads to enhanced performance. We will present some extreme examples where we rejuvenate the degraded devices to demonstrate the resilience achieved from the ability to control defects and microstructures. Rejuvenation is achieved through a unique room temperature, ultrafast processing technique that requires only the electrodes, hence it can be performed in-operando. We exploit high resolution techniques such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and micro-Raman spectroscopy to spatially resolve the stress field in GaN HEMTs to demonstrate the localization effects on degradation.
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