• Automated model identification and deconvolution interferometry are used for the continuous system identification of the Sciri Tower. • Environmental effects on wave propagation and model properties are investigated. • The robustness of deconvolution interferometry is investigated for increasing sampling frequencies. • Deconvolution interferometry is proved complementary to OMA with superior capabilities for damage localization. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) based upon Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) constitutes an increasingly mature and widespread technology in the conservation of historic structures. Such techniques, while proved effective for assessing the global integrity of structures, may fail at detecting local damage with little influence on the modal features of the system. In this context, the analysis of propagating waves throughout the structure features a synergistic approach to OMA with superior capabilities for data-driven damage identification. Although some promising results have been reported in the literature on the application of Seismic Interferometry to reinforced-concrete structures, works concerning the continuous monitoring of ambient vibrations in historic structures are virtually non-existent. In this light, this paper proposes the coupled application of automated OMA and Ambient Noise Deconvolution Interferometry for the full structural system identification of historic structures, and evaluates the advantages of this technology through a validation case study of the Sciri Tower in Perugia, Italy. A continuous vibration-based monitoring system deployed in the tower during three weeks allows us to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The reported results demonstrate the robustness of the monitoring system for identifying environmental effects on the spatial distribution of wave velocities, and shed light into the dispersion relation of the tower.
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